So I recently bought some new pants from Long and Elegant Legs – a tall women’s catalog. A woman in the mail room called me to say I got a personal package from Long and Elephant Legs and would I like to personally pick it up. (I think she thought it was from a fetish store.) I thought that would be the WOTD. Little did I know.

One thing I kept from my order was a pair of black pants, which I carefully hemmed up yesterday. (Imagine that – me hemming pants up!) Then today I get in to a team meeting at work and have my feet propped up on a table when I see, to my horror, my pink underwear hanging out for the world to see.

The seam in my pants from just below the fly to the mid-section of the crotch was open. Wide open. As in even if I was just standing in front of you, you could tell. As in, if this hadn’t been a Monday morning and I had been more away, I may have noticed before walking out the door.

Fortunately for me I had a hotel sewing kit at my desk and repaired the hole. I am sure the women in the bathroom stall next to me wondered what the whoosh whoosh noise was as a I frantically sewed.