Kate's Point of View

The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: March 2005 Page 1 of 2

Rectums and Stuff

There are some things in life no one can warn you about. You might hear your folks complain about their jobs, but somehow you assume that your job will be different. Aaaah, the naivte of youth.

One of my newest projects at work is putting information online about a colorectal center – they treat mainly anorectal malformations. I try to read as little of the text as possible and cannot bring myself to look too hard at some of the pictures I post, but I have learned a few things. Now I can talk (or just BS) knowledgeably about things like:

  • Blind Vaginas
  • Anal Leakage
  • Enemas
  • Lots of other pretty disgusting stuff

What makes all of this bearable is the new theme song I have, with many thanks to my friend Dave P.” (Make sure your speakers are on so you can hear the song.)

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


I am getting married. Apparently. I just found out yesterday. Imagine my surprise! [Keep reading.]

I got home and below all of my buildings’ mailboxes was the usual pile of magazines. (Our mailboxes are too small for magazines so the mailperson just piles them up for us to sort through.) There on top of the pile was an issue of Modern Bride.

“Aaaaw,” I thought. “Someone in my building is getting married.”

Then I bent down to see if any magazines were there for me and then I saw it. The name on the Modern Bride issue was mine.

So I guess I am getting married. Who knew?

Let me be the first to congratulate whoever subscribed me to this. It’s a great prank. And isn’t it sad that I have absolutely no idea who would have signed me up because there are too many people who could have done it.

Dave, are you finally getting me back for that mail gag? If so, kudos to you.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


See the thing is, I am not against abstinance. But I think perhaps things have gone too far. In addition, I think a number of these items could get the wearer beat up.

Um, if they are already seeing you in yuor undies, then…

Again, if they are already seeing you in yuor undies, then…

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Why are geeks so fun to make fun of? Why are Star Wars fanatics so fun to make fun of?

Let’s take these boys for instance:

I would be willing to bet quite a bit of money that:

  1. They are all very single.
  2. Despite hanging outside of the ladies room, they will not be picking up any ladies anytime soon.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Some random observations:

  1. Should the woman who works at the hoity toity (and expensive) Laundromat across the street from me really take so many ciggy breaks? If I paid $15 dollars to have some pants cleaned, I wouldn’t want them to smell like smoke.
  2. Yesterday I heard a song on the oldies station. A song that I remember coming out. It was a very heartbreaking moment.
  3. I finally have a doorbell. Okay, this is a lousy observation, but I have lived in my apartment for almost 10 months and only now do I have a doorbell. In addition, I can buzz people up! How Seinfeld is that?
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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