I compose this WOTD with some amount of rage in me. Maybe rage is a tad too strong of a word, but it’s the closest I got right now.

I think voicemail is the dumbest thing ever in the workplace. I say whenever possible you should send email. I know in some cases this is a generational thing and I should be kinder to my elders, but I don’t care because I think I am right. There are many benefits to email. 1) You have record of the message sent or received. 2) In my case I can actually see whether someone has opened or even deleted the message. 3) If important details are included in the email, you can print them out or save them in the appropriate spot on your computer. 4) When arranging meetings and such, they save time because they don’t necessitate small talk or pleasantries. You can email short messages and accomplish your task.

An illustration of number four and the cause of my rage:

I need to set up a conference call between myself and two other individuals who work at two different places. There is no point in separate conversations between us. That would necessitate me, or some other designated shlep, to act as the messenger and relay conversations back and forth. Pointless. One conference call will take care of all our needs.

I have sent out three emails requesting that the two individuals I need to speak with email me their available times for a conference call. After all three emails one of the men in question has called me back and left me some stupid voicemail with no point and, more importantly, no free times for the conference call and to top it all off, he doesn’t even leave his number.

So now I have to call this man and tell him we can’t talk but can he please just tell me his stupid free times so I can set up this ridiculous conference call.

Had he emailed me in the first place all would be well.

Stupid, stupid man.