Do you ever what accounts for good taste? I mean, I can easily ridicule people who love nothing more than to dance at a wedding to a little Meatloaf or ACDC, but then I go and request that the DJ plays Old Dirty Bastard’s Got Your Money. Who’s to say that’s any better? (Oh, but I think all of my OU friends will agree that it is so much better. And easier to dance to than either Meatloaf or ACDC.)

Many of the people I socialize with are music snobs. They try to stay on the cutting edge of music and keep up with everything that’s deck (cool). I am not a music snob. I learned long ago that I will never be admitted into the Cool Music Club because:

  1. I like a little boom-boom music on occasion.
  2. I like, yes truly like, country music.
  3. Sometimes when I see cool artists play in concert, I think their cool stage presence is silly looking and I giggle. Giggling at the performers at cool rock shows is, I have learned, unacceptable.

So here is what I, a longtime non-member of the Cool Music Club have learned:

  • There is no such thing as cool music. Now, President of the Cool Music Club, read on before you get mad. It’s true, I think, that music just is. And you can like it or not. But really, there is no music that is better than any other. Music, good music, is anything that makes your toes tap. Good music magnifies your mood – it makes you laugh when you’re happy, cry when you’re sad and dance when you’re hyper. Good music gets even the most bashful dancer on the dance floor. Good music is an excuse to dance close to the person you love, the person you have a crush on, the person you want everyone to see you with. Good music accompanies your singing voice perfectly in the car, in the shower and on stage.
  • When members of the Cool Music Club start talking about cool bands and cool songs, and you have no idea what they are talking about, you can easily get by with nodding and smiling. If you are a little more gutsy, when they talking about a good song / group / musician, go, “They’re okay.” It makes you look indifferent and like you have some clue what people are talking about. I have gotten away with this unknowing style of following along in conversations for years.
  • Members and non-members of the Cool Music Club can be friends. They can date. They can marry. What really matters is that you can dance to Old Dirty Bastard’s Got Your Money.