About a year ago I noticed that my gums by two teeth were sort of wearing away. I asked the dentist and he said I needed a transplant. Well, I stalled on this because my boyfriend said they get the transplant tissue from dead pigs. And I didn’t want to be part pig.

So at my last dentist appointment they said I really needed to get on it before the root was totally exposed. Whatever.

So I had my transplant on Wednesday. They asked me if I wanted donor tissue, which it turns out is from a DEAD PERSON. No thank you I said. I told them how my boyfriend had said they get tissue from dead pigs. Wrongo. They get DONOR TEETH from dead pigs. That is so much nastier than tissue.

I opted for them to take tissue from the roof of my mouth. They numbed me up (supposedly) with several shots. But I felt the whole thing. I was wincing and tearing up and they just kept saying, “Well, this is quite unusual.” Thanks a f*cking lot. Good to know my pain is unusual. Does that help me? No.

So then they exposed and cleaned two of my roots and then sewed in some roof-of-my-mouth-tissue. For the next ten days I get no food on the left side of my mouth and I can only brush the teeth on the right side of my mouth. My face is swollen so it looks like I do chew. I am on antibiotics and percodan. The only bonus to all of this is how cheap the drugs were: $4 and $3.08. I don’t understand it but it’s fine with me.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.