Last night I had a dream — and not a MLK, Jr. kind of dream. I was at a Steely Dan concert with my BF only we weren’t sitting together. We were at the Riverbend concert venue in Cincinnati, but I was in a balcony, which they don’t have. I was squished in at the end of the balcony front row next to some Port-a-Potties that were crammed in next to the wall and there was no rail in front of us, so it was very treacherous music-listening.

So after a while I lost my balance and accidentally pushed a Port-a-Potty over the edge of the balcony to the ground below. I don’t think anyone was hurt. Then I pushed another Port-a-Potty. And the another, only with the third one a girl fell too and I don’t know what happened to her but I hope she didn’t die because can you imagine falling to your death on top of a Port-a-Potty?

So then I was scared, obviously, because I didn’t want to fall with any Port-a-Potties. So I got the freaks who were sitting by be to help me climb out of my dangerous seat and I made my way out of the concert place. That’s when I ran into my BF and for some reason I was very upset that he wasn’t the one who helped me out of my seat.

That’s the dream. What does it all mean? I should point out that I am sick right now. So maybe it just means that I am delusional? After all, I don’t even like Steely Dan.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.