In the last month I have seen all sorts of old friends – people that I often see once a year tops. So you can image the number of walk I have taken down memory lane. Apparently though, I have been more stumbling than walking because dear God I have drank more beer this month than I have since that quarter in college where Movie and I spent a few too many nights each with our own pitchers…

Visit one was with Delicious in DC where he and his lady showed Wonder Boy and I a fabulous time. Now Delicious has requested a post about the visit but I don’t know what to focus on but him and it will sound sentimental and sappy. But since he asked for it, here it goes.

So Delicious has this gal and they live in sin but that’s cool. I have met her but always in passing or at very hectic events like weddings. So it was fabulous to spend more time with them and get to know how very cool she is. But for one thing. She has convinced Delicious that Miller Light is bad. WTF??? The Decliious I know LIKES Miller Light. And I know for a fact that we CHOSE to drink Miller Light and not only in college but out of college too. And I still like it, damn it, and will defend it. So there. Aside from this new girlfriend-inspired beer snobbery (I swear I think she’s awesome.) Decliious is turning into a full-fledged adult. Freaks me out.

The visit to DC for the first weekend off from the foster dogs and my embracing of beer on the trip I thought was inspired by being on vacation. After I came home I realized that the dogs were driving me to drink. And lose five pounds. It turns out that having those pups drove me so crazy I lost weight without trying, but it’s not a diet I would recommend. At least not without lots of Prozac.

Visit number two was to Chicago where I visited with three friends from high school. Right before Wonder Boy and I left, the dogs were sent somewhere else. Now that might have given me a chance to stop drinking, but honestly I had to drink to celebrate. We stayed with Mart Girl and with her I give myself permission to be a girl. That’s right, I get very girly and I don’t do that with anyone else. Maybe my sisters, but that’s different. So in Chicago we drank and ate a LOT of good food. Seeing Mart Girl was wonderful because she is all done with school now which means she has a job which means she has money. Hanging out with your friend while they are poor and then later when they have money is great because its such a damn transformation.

Then this week I don’t even know what happened but I had happy hours every night and last night I visited with my favorite and only Iowan friend, Iowa, and a bunch of people from work and we had so much fun over beers and I am not going to lie – I am hung over today. But motherhood and an Iowa address have changed Billie. Back in the day I used to, in an effort to be nice, pick a piece of fuzz of her shirt or something and she would kind of freak out because I had touched her. Then last night she HUGGED me. No shit.

The end result of all of this is that I miss my friend more than when I visited with them because I remember how much fun they are. And I have a very high tolerance and need to start a serious detoxification program.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.