Warning: I am going to sound very old in this post.

Last night I returned from vacation. A 10 and one half hour drive followed by some unneeded drama landed me in bed with a magazine, happy to be home. I I lay in bed absorbed in my newest issue of Glamour, I had my shuffle in my ear to block out the noise of my neighbors. They were annoyingly loud given that all I wanted was to unwind. That said, it was Saturday night and the whole is is filled with young twenty-somethings and I grant them their fun nights out, even if the noise inconveniences me.

My neighbors disagree.

This morning I was awake at the all too early hour of 8 o’clock. As I lay in bed deciding whether or not to actually get up, the neighbor two doors down (who also borders the loud house) got on his front porch and started yelling at the loudest volume he could, “TIME TO GET UP! TIME TO GET UP! WE HAVE TO GO TO WORK! TIME TO GET UP! TIME TO GET UP!”

I don’t care if it was Sunday and the man certainly does not work on Sundays. It was hysterical.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.