My cubicle at work is up against a wall that splits up my office area and the conference room next to me. The other day I came into work and within a half hour of my arrival started hearing a royal bitch out session going on next door. It was horribly awkward. The quotes were all along the lines of, “You cannot do this to me! I brought you here!” Weird, right?

So this all started around 8:30 or 9 in the morning. At 11 it was still happening. When I left for lunch it was still going on. When I returned at 1 it was still going on, only a new male voice had joined the yelling. Finally I just couldn’t take it any more.

I walked down to the Human Resources, full of purpose and indignation. The woman at the front desk was unfamiliar to me, but I pretty much unloaded on her. “I’m not sure what’s going on that room,” I said, “but you need to let them know that we can all hear. In the future people need to be aware of that out of respect for whomever is being yelled at. We all feel sorry for whoever that is.”

Before I even finished y little tirade the lady was up and off and to find someone to fix the situation. A few moments later she found me in my cube with a funny little grin on her face.

Those people we listened to and were scared of all morning? Actors auditioning for an HR training video.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.