Growing up I was super fortunate when it game to sports. Well, at least baseball and basketball. My Dad had access to season Reds tickets going back as far as I can remember so I got to go to lots of games. When I started liking professional basketball (funny how a man named Michael Jordan can inspire love of the sport) he was able to get me tickets to two games so I could see him play. The Michael Jordan games were pretty much the pinnacle of my childhood sports viewing experience with two possible exceptions.

In 1990 I got to see one World Series playoff game and one World Series game. I was 12 years old. The city was crazy for the reds. I remember walking towards the stadium and seeing just a see of people in red all unified around one thing. I remember watching Glenn Braggs catching a ball by leaping so high into the air he actually reached over the outfield wall and snagged the ball. It was unbelievable.

In a reminder of my age (a reminder that comes a little too close to my birthday), this year is the 20th anniversary of the 1990 Reds World Series Championship. Cincinnati is a fickle baseball town whose loyalty comes and goes with the team’s success. But right now the Reds are in first place, so celebrating a World Series Championship with our eyes on another makes baseball more fun.

Last night after the baseball game against Colorado (Reds won, by the way) 12 members of the 1990 team were brought out onto the field and interviewed by Marty Brennaman. Despite the repeated “twentieth anniversary” part, it was awesome seeing the sports heroes of my youth and watching clips of the games that made them so successful.

From left to right: Paul Noce, Glenn Braggs, Chris Sabo, Billy Hatcher, Hal Morris, Randy Myers, Herm Winningham, Tom Browning, Ron Robinson, Norm Charlton, Keith Brown, Eric Davis

Marty Brennaman Talking to Eric Davis

Marty Brennaman Talking to Chris Sabo

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.