Pretty soon starts what is pretty much the most stressful time of year for me. For lots of people. I’m trying very hard to prepare myself for the holiday madness. I have lots of my Christmas gifts purchased and all of those are wrapped and in my attic. (I love the wrapping part so that wasn’t actually preparing for anything – it was a treat!) I have already started with mental mantras. “It’s going to be okay.” “Things won’t drive you nuts.” “You will be calm.” We’ll see.

So I have a new thing I thought I would try. During the holidays I’m going to try for a thing a day I am thankful for, knowing I’ll miss a few days during the rush of events.

Today I want to state that I am thankful that I am thankful for my family. In a few weeks when I am running from one family event to another, I’ll forget that but it’s true. Yesterday my little sister sent out a request to all three of her siblings and our parents asking of anyone could spare a car for while hers was being repaired. ALL of us replied we could help her. It was a pretty big inconvenience for everyone but we were will to do it.

I was stunned. She was, too. I spoke with her later in the day and she said how overwhelmed she was by the kindness. While I might not be the recipient of everyone’s offers to help, I am happy to be part of a family that’s there for each other. It’s nice to know you have people backing you up.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.