We just got home from Thanksgiving v2 and v3. On our way home, in the pouring rain, we passed the mall. And there in the parking lots were hundreds of insane people. They were all there waiting to be the first ones into Toys-R-Us. And by first ones, I mean to be part of the throng of people who enter the store when it first opens tomorrow morning. They were already lined up by the door. At 10 pm. The night before. In the pouring rain.

I am looking forward to curling up in my bed and sleeping in tomorrow. Y’all enjoy your Black Friday but any shopping I do will be done in this little thing called the internet. It’s awesome. You can use it at home in your PJs. Where it’s dry. And you aren’t surrounded by crazy people.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.