This weekend I took my first real moped ride. I waited until everything was legal: insurance and license plate in place. I have a biker’s jacket that protects about as much of me as any jacket can and a very astronaut-ish helmet.

The main barrier to my successful ride was nerves. I went out to get the bike set up and started and my hands were trembling a little. I kept reassuring myself that the fear was natural, healthy and something I should try to maintain so I could be safe. I guess that worked enough to get me out on the street. After a couple false starts, I headed down our side street and up a hill where I proceeded to stall. In front of a group of guys. Causing me to feel about 20-years-old and very mortified. I pushed the bike the rest of the way up the hill and got it started, thank gawd.

From there – smooth sailing! I rode around a few side streets and successfully up some hills. I rode in traffic and through intersections, even going so far as to change lanes. I know, I’m a daredevil.

All told I was probably riding for 30 to 40 minutes but it went by so fast. When I got home and off the bike my heart was racing, as if I had just gotten off a roller coaster. And I wanted to get riding again and cannot wait until I do!

This photo is obviously not from this weekend. I’m too new to be trying to get self-portaits!
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.