I start off every day with coffee. Over the years I have shifted my tastes in how to prepare my coffee. It used to be that I’d order a mocha when out but drink coffee with hazelnut creamer at home. I shifted my drinking out tastes to lattes and over the last few months have opted to ditch the hazelnut creamer and use milk and sugar instead.

What I am always irritated with is the difference between how tasty my lattes from coffee shops are compared to my coffee at home. The issue is not the strength of coffee. I could care less about that. What I love is frothy milk mixed in with my drink. I’ve mentioned this many, many times to Wonder Boy but never pursued a solution. Until now.

Last night I was at Target and spotted the perfect item on clearance: a better operated milk frother by bodum. For under $4 I was willing to give it a shot.

This morning was my first go at coffee with a healthy dose of frothy milk and I am never going back. My coffee was so good! So light! So … Frothy!

This is the Battery Operated Milk Frother from bodum. To use it you just submerge he wirey end into your and press the button and voila! your milk gets frothy.
This is my frothy coffee. Delicious!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.