Thank you, Wonder Boy, for listening to me when I’m struggling, making me dinner when I’m too tired to cook, taking me out on fun dates and explaining to me in great depth how bluetooth technology works.

Thank you to all of my family for lots of laughs and support.

Thank you Ohio Alleycat Resource & Spay / Neuter Clinic for letting me foster Matzah Ball and Latke. They’ve made coming home in the evening so much more fun and I can think of nothing greater than having them curl up on my chest in the morning, purring up a storm.

Thank you to my friends for lots of evenings out, tons of laughter and keeping me in touch with great music, good books and more dumb great stuff online than I could ever hope to discover on my own.

Thank you to my photography teacher for getting me feeling creative again. In the past months I’ve felt inspired in a way I hadn’t in a while.

Thank you to Biggie for unintentionally making me laugh on a regular basis by forgetting to put your tongue back in your mouth and to Addy for being a loyal shadow.

Thank you to the too many friends I have who are struggling their own battles right now for giving me an example of how to persevere and live a good, honorable life.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.