I have long professed my love of the infomercial and I often come this close to ordering something before I regain my senses. Some items, though, are just too ridiculous. The most recent absurd item for I saw for sale? The Forever Lazy. Apparently this item has been on the market for a while. But it’s a new one for me.

The Forever Lazy is like a Snuggie taken to a whole new level of weird. It’s essentially a onesie for adults. To wear out in public. Whaaat? It’s like having little kid footed pajamas for adults (which would be awesome to sleep in) only the Forever Lazy isn’t full-footed. It comes with matching footies.

So all of this strikes me as silly but not a big deal. Certainly not worth commenting on. But wait! There’s more! The Forever Lazy is more convenient that most bodysuits you wear out in public because it contains both a front slot and a back flap to make things easier if you have to go to the bathroom. Whaaaaaat?

Scenario: You’re out tailgating before a football game (a situation the website for the Forever Lazy seems to suggest would be a perfect use for this product) and suddenly you stomach cramps up. You have a stomach virus. But you’re wearing your Forever Lazy. There is No Way At All for that situation to end well.

For entertainment only, I suggest you watch the promotional video for the Forever Lazy. I wouldn’t recommend getting one, unless, of course, you’re willing to send me a picture of yourself in it. I could always use a good laugh.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.