I’ve been giving the idea of gratitude a lot of thought lately. Back at Thanksgiving, my mom had glass bottles of water scattered around the table labeled gratitude. I happily drank about half of the water. That was intended for 7 people. (Frowned upon.) At Christmastime my mom gave me my own gratitude bottle to fill with water. It sits on a windowsill in my kitchen mostly unused but full of water and looking nice with the light shining through it. The notion, which my mom could explain much more prettily, is that you drink the water while thinking of things you are grateful for. It’s a nice concept. But life often moves so fast that I forget to be grateful.And then something happens that stops you in your tracks. I had a friend lose someone a few weeks back. She lost someone she loved very much and it was sudden and he was too young and the whole thing took my breath away. And if I am being truthful about it, I was sad for my friend and sad about the loss but more shook up my imagining it happening to me. And I know that’s horribly selfish. But it was such a wake-up call. I’ve lost a friend and family who were older or sick. But I’ve never watched someone I love lose someone they love so suddenly and so young. It’s made me stop and look at Wonder Boy and be so, so grateful to have him at my side.

I’ve also been trying to do a better job at appreciating the small things in life.

Yesterday I halved my commute to work by hitting all green lights. I’ve been feeling crazy creative lately and producing so many cool things. My cats are finally behaving normally … even if it did take dressing them in clothes to get them there. (True.) Last night I watched my sweet, chubby niece pee all over my parents’ floor and it was hysterical. The bird feeders outside my kitchen are covered with birds, including two yellow finches. I have been reading books at a rate I haven’t seen since school and I love it. I am finally off of antibiotics and steroids after weeks of being sick. A woman in North Dakota appreciated my art enough to buy a print on Etsy. North Dakota! The gift I gave my friend was a huge hit and let me know that even know I feel a little helpless in what to do for her, I can still be helpful. I hung out with a new friend the other day and we had wine and looked at photography. This weekend I got to see in person three authors I greatly admire.

These are the things that bring me joy. That I am focusing on. That I am showing gratitude for. I so wish that it didn’t take someone horribly bad to give me the kick in the butt I needed to start being appreciative. But regardless of the method, I am here now. Focused on the now. Trying hard to stay conscience and present.

How do you stay present and grateful for what’s around you?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.