Trying to prove an argument? Remember an actor’s name? Learn the actual lyrics to a song? Hop online and you have your answer. And while I am annoyed by how many in-person conversations are interrupted by people tapping away at their smart phones, or, as my dad one called them, their tiny, dumb computers, I am grateful to have so much information readily available.And information is all well and good, but do you know what is so much more fun? Being able to buy just about anything. Seriously. Anything.

Wonder Boy and I were watching TV and contemplating that evening’s dinner. He tried to tempt me with some sub-par rice mix, rice being one of my favorite foods, but I called him on the shoddy representation of rice.

“What happened to the dirty rice with cheese?” I asked.

“We’re out,” he said.

And then I whipped out my little, dumb computer and a few minutes later, a case – A CASE – of dirty rice with cheese was on its way to our house. And, because if you’re buying a case of one thing, why not throw in another, I also got a case of grape Bubblicious, which is impossible to find in stores.

I think if my health-conscious father saw the joy on my face as I opened up the box, he might have thrown up a little.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.