By now I am sure you have heard of the passing of Old Dirty Bastard yesterday of what looks to be a heart attack. Now I know you have heard me talk about my love of Old Dirty Bastard here on the pages of WOTD before, but now I feel it necessary to explain why.

Some music is mere notes and words strung together. Some is a feeling. For me, ODB is a moment in time. Well, two in fact.

The first was at OU at a bar my friends and I went to sometimes. I know we went there on several occasions to drink (Rick and Dave with their mixed drinks with whipped cream and me with my beer) and dance. While I have bits of memories of several nights, all that stands out is me and my friends dancing to Got Your Money by Old Dirty Bastard. It’s a raunchy song that reeks of sexual energy. But it’s how I remember my friends. All bumpin’ and grindin’ to some good tunes, you know?

The other moment encapsulated by ODB is at my parents’ house when my sister had some friends over. I don’t know what the occasion was or who all was there, but I remember very distinctly watching my sister Anna and her friend dance to Got Your Money. They hooked their knees and held on to each other’s waists and grooved their way around the room.

So ODB might be gone, but thanks to him I have these little moments of happiness burned into me forever and in that he’s still here.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.